Make My NuMbErS Grow!!

Tribute To My 'Raja Berperlembagaan'

The Thinker

The Thinker
Staring out the BUS, thinking abt life..

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sexual Desires

This morning after waking up on a Sunday morning, I felt lazy to attend church service even though I know it’s not a good thing by someone who ‘preaches’ to other Christian brothers and sisters to do so. Well, to compensate myself which serves as not a good excuse, I told myself to pick up the Bible and read it for at least one hour.
I started with reading Our Daily Bread (ODB) which is kind of a daily reading prepared by some really committed Christian who are there to help Christians like me to read a Bible passage each day with the guidance of ODB. Anyway, I began with yesterday (Saturday’s) passage as I didn’t read it. The passage was relevant to me as it was talking about how Solomon warns his son about the scorpion and fire that exist in the world together with all the other beautiful stuff such as roses, the sun rise, love etc. It’s a metaphor that projects that not all things are perfect caused by the deeds of men through sin. So it is with SEXUAL PLEASURE!!
Many young people (including me) of this new era take sex as something very pleasurable and as long as you love me and I love you or if the time and place is right then lets do it. I was brought up to believe that sex is a very sacred thing which has to be uphold no matter under what circumstances. Being a young men, facing the challenges of growing up in an urban city of KL, where girls are more ‘open minded’ or ‘loose’, keeping sex sacred seems like age old myth. The new term that my friends say is modern era already, keeping sex till marriage is old school; having a night of fun in a club where touchy touchy fingers roam the body is nothing because we are both just having fun. At times I feel so tempted to do the same also and there are times when I fail to uphold my beliefs with the thought of ‘since everyone is doing it, why can’t I?’ But every time that happens, a feeling of guilt builds up in me, some feelings that acknowledge that I’ve sin and betrayed what I tell others I believe.
God has intended intimate physical encounter to be between two people who are spending their entire life together, meaning through the holy matrimony of marriage. Sex especially should be kept and protected for the one you truly love and not just for lust. I know saying all these stuff is easy, the ‘protecting’ part of it that is tough especially when the smaller head is taking charge.
So, a few pointers that my dad and I have discuss before about this same topic, there are ways to ensure that we are able to hold on to what we believe in. Some practical ways are to keep the situation ‘safe’. What I mean is don’t let yourself in a situation where you are prone to commit what you know are wrong; keeping your conscious strong and awake and if there is a need to, run away (not literally) from it. Even God’s disciple-Joseph ran away when his master’s wife tried to seduce him. Let God reassure us that in every difficult situation, He is always there to provide a path to get out, no matter how narrow or small is the path. Secondly, which is the best I think is to dun even indulge in it. Meaning to say if you know that going clubbing will make you prone to run your fingers on ‘prohibited’ areas, then the best would be to abstain from it in the first place. The problem with many of us is that we ‘feel’ and notice that I use the word ‘feel’ because we don’t know for sure; we would be able to control ourselves. Few times have I visited club house and see all this girls getting drunk and drinking with so called friends who you just met like one hour ago or even lest and that person is giving you such a feel good time. Ohh..of course it’s a feel good time because that guy is going to have an even better time when he brings you back to bed. I feel pitiful for these girls because they are so lost in their world that they think sexual desires would be able to ease their suffering of the world.
Even though many in the world don’t believe that God does really exist, I must challenge your view that Christ is a gracious God who looks beyond your past history, whether you were a killer, a robber, a cheater, a liar or ‘small’ sins that we ourselves regards are forgivable sins, Christ whom has died for our sins (great or small) is able to forgive us for He is gracious and His love is everlasting. Through forgiveness, we would be able to stand tall even when the world doesn’t want us to.
1 Corinthians 10:12-13 says
“So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”

Search out in me all hidden sin,
And may Thy purify within
So cleanse my life that it may be
A temple wholly fit for Thee.


JC said...

It isn't easy taking a different stand from the crowd, but it is possible. We must remember we are accountable for our actions. Nevertheless, He is always gracious to us, regardless.

Dave said...

Great blog post! Imho, the problem is not that young people find sex pleasurable, but that they too easily settle for something much less than they should enjoy.

To paraphrase CS Lewis: “Kita makhluk yang separuh hati, hanya bermain-main dengan arak dan seks dan cita-cita sendiri sedangkan kegirangan tidak terbatas telah ditawarkan kepada kita, seperti seorang budak jahil yang beria-ia dengan mainan lumpur di tepi longkang kerana dia tidak dapat membayangkan apa ertinya diajak bercuti di tepi laut yang jernih. Terlalu mudah sekali kita berpuas hati.”