Make My NuMbErS Grow!!

Tribute To My 'Raja Berperlembagaan'

The Thinker

The Thinker
Staring out the BUS, thinking abt life..

Monday, November 24, 2008


As much as I think I'm doing well but deep down, I believe somehow or rather I am emotionally not. Being brought up to be able to handle my emotions rather well enough has in deed help me walk through this path of loving a love one.

Today marks the first month of my mother's demise and the day at office seems different too. It didn't really feel that I was in a depress mood or anything, but somehow I was not able to focus well on my work. Losing pace on things that were needed to be completed and forgetting task that were suppose to be handled..that just didn't seem ME!!

Somehow my mother's presence in my life had a big impact and I'm glad in a way that she did make a HUGE effect on me. It would be a sad news if somehow whom you call Mother or Father or whosoever with a family tie has gone and there is nothing to feel lost about.

I pray to God that with her 'going HOME', she would continue to play a large impact in my life still to continue to trust and obey in a 'being' who I call HEAVENLY FATHER and SAVIOUR. My mom hold on to her faith in her dying moment so strongly that each and everyone who came was touch by her. In that way, I would like to commemorate this wonderful wife, mother, sister, teacher, friend, daughter in law etc..

God has definitely bless you as how you bless others. You will always remain in my heart and I pray you would look upon me (dad, Jie and Mei) each and every day.

I Love You!!

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